; LEGAL Notice: Some maps _may_ require a licence to use, even though they are open Internet Servers. ; SARTrack Limited does not take any responsibility if you, the End-User, decides to use such a map. ; A link to the supplier's Website is supplied for more information. ; [OSMBaseMaps] OSMBaseMaps=BKG-Opentopo [BKG-Opentopo] Licence=(c) Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie LicenceURL=http://www.bkg.bund.de/ SeaOverlayAllowed=1 LandOverlayAllowed=1 TotalLayers=1 ServerURL_1=http://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wmts_topplus_open/tile/1.0.0/web/default/WEBMERCATOR/ ServerURLExt_1=%Z/%Y/%X.png LayerName_1=wmts_topplus_open LayerDir_1=BKG\BKG-Opentopo MinZoom_1=2 MaxZoom_1=18 ImageType_1=0 InMenu=1 Selected=0 Selected_1=1